Τρίτη 10 Νοεμβρίου 2020

Attract Gorgeous Women Case Study that Freaked Me Out


                                               Guy Admits Applying Mesmerism on Women

                                                   to get laid - if this works, that's great news

Παρασκευή 14 Αυγούστου 2020

Sixth Sense Secrets

Artistic talents expressed through passion, connection, love and other messages can emerge when the sixth sense is present, scientists claim. Researchers in America say they # Ve has found that our intuitive genes don't have to disappear, according to a new study from the University of California, San Diego. Whether you're terribly bad or incredibly good at it, having sixth senses can be as good as feeling something when it's happening. It really does exist, but it has nothing to do with being able to see dead people, but only talking to them. 


 We may not be as sensitive as dogs, but even ordinary mortals can see when a dog's sixth sense is at play. Although there is no scientific evidence for the sixth sense of dogs, we can have no problem appreciating how they integrate their other five senses in an amazing way. The colloquial term "sixth sense" refers to the ability to perceive something that does not seem to be there, such as when you feel that the person sitting next to you on the train is committing a crime. Strangely, it suggests that we as humans have only five or six senses, when in reality this is wrong. As I said, we have a sixth sense, but we are not able to connect it because of all the noise. The first step in connecting our 6th sense is to take time to talk to ourselves. Meditation calms the mind and is what we need if we want to work on our sixth sense. Pranayama is helpful in strengthening our six senses, and when you do it, the air engages your brain and connects with your sixth senses. 

Because our sixth sense enables people to get feelings and save their lives from harm. So when your gut or sixth sense tries to tell you something, it is your guide and it makes it easier for you to choose right or wrong. I think it has permeated our culture to the point that even people who haven't seen the film know the end. If you are one of those troublemakers - free purists - consider this an official and entirely unnecessary troublemaker alert. The film tells the story of Cole Sear, a boy who can see and talk to the dead, and a child psychologist who tries to help him with his gift. It tells us of Cole's struggle with a secret ability to communicate with the dead, which leads to social alienation and depression, and helps him deal with it and his gifts. At the very beginning of Sixth Sense Malcolm is shot dead by the New Kids, and a former patient of Malcolm's is angry that Malcolm couldn't help him. 

 When we think back to the scariest scene in the sixth sense, most of us will remember how Barton writhes in agony as he tries to realise Osment has been killed by his mother. When Cole says he sees dead people, he's not just saying so, but the filmmakers were careful to point out Malcom's true condition. Wahlberg, who played the kidnapper in 1996's "Ransom," reached for the Sixth Sense script while on the run in 1998 and used every page he turned. The director took it as a sign, as it was his 29th birthday, so it was his guide. He made his first appearance in the film at the age of 35, after losing 43 pounds from a scary 139. Humans have at least six senses, and a new study suggests the latter, called proprioception, may have a genetic basis. In the case of Alex's intuition, a series of carefully documented case studies have raised the question of whether this intuition is due to a true sixth sense. Although he rightly recognizes that further successful experiments by independent researchers are needed to prove that the sixth sense is real, he has not yet answered the most important question about the nature of the sixth sense: its genetic origin. 

The sixth sense is a generally accepted sense of the outside world, sometimes referred to as the "sixth sense," or the sixth of five familiar senses that serve us well in our daily lives and serve as our primary means of understanding the outside world. The acoustic sense of hearing and smell recognizes the owner's presence, and the sixth sense occurs when the sound of a dog barking or the smell of an animal occurs near your home. This clue was in the movie the entire time and it is a true testament to M. Night Shyamalan that he was overlooked. 

The genius and subtle craft that are in Sixth Sense keeps the story timeless, but also spurs us to see the films with fresh eyes. It encourages new viewers to "see" SixthSense while others spread the surprising ending, and also encourages people in general to watch again, also spurred on by the fact that the clues were overlooked, which is a true testament to his genius. This is probably the most wobbly of the good, terrible or bad, but it bears all the virtues and faults of the sixth sense, suggesting that he has found his own formula for success and is not inclined to deviate from it.

Παρασκευή 29 Μαΐου 2020

Third Eye Opener - Do This and You're All Set

If you don't take third eye activation seriously, you'll probably not experience it. I too had success with "Vision X" and helped some get back their ex. So X may be the number. Warning: this program might freak non-believers out.

#thirdeye 3#3rdEye

Σάββατο 2 Μαΐου 2020

Bewitch Women to Do Your Bidding

Make women fall in frantic love with you with mind programming that makes them click. They will feel an irresistible attraction as this hypnosis program optimizes your social skills and triggers the law of attraction. Watch them how receptive they become as you call the shots in the seduction game.

                                                                      GETTING INTO HER MIND

How do you become a powerful man who exudes mind melting confidence, supreme dominance and mesmerizing aura without turning into a braggart prick or desperate wannabe mesmerist? What are the right psychological rules, principles, and tactics to entice and seduce women? How can you play the guy in a woman's head without learning the right psychological rules, principles and tactics?

As a chap who has taken part in the dating game, I know that men put a lot of pressure on themselves when they are impressed, and that makes me less attracted and less intrigued. It is important to understand the difference between aspiration and need, and I believe that this is where breakdown is important when it comes to attracting women. Consider, for example, one such psychological technique I use, which increases my chances of getting a girl's number by at least 50% every time... redefined seduction tactics that will rock your cradle.

I am confident in the direction I am going and I claim the date for myself and not the result of any pressure or pressure from the other person. We talk about more than superficial things and create chemistry on a date together, and we talk more about things outside of dating. Speaking of sex with guys, this seduction guide takes you by the hand and makes your second and third dates just as spectacular. First date jitters are a thing of the past as you learn how to wow women and guarantee a second date. With the sizzling seduction techniques you have learned in this book, you have a man with a sizzle and anticipation for your next move.

You could become a master of seduction and attract the woman you've always wanted, or you could be attracted to the woman you've always wanted. You have many tempting tips to employ, seduce and unleash the passion and diversity your new relationship needs. A answers all the questions men have about what women want since the dawn of civilization, and answers all the questions about women's minds.

Includes simple, proven dating and gaming techniques that allow you to hack into women's heads and attract them with the power you always had but never realized. All you need is a basic understanding of how the game of attraction and seduction works. You want to seduce a man first and then seduce a woman with your mind, not your body or your eyes.
In addition, you should develop and adopt the mentality of a seductive woman, and you will be able to see clearly that the secret code of seduction has become a breeze. Next, we need to master the most important part of the attractiveness game: women's mind games or "mentality." This book, let's face it, is not about turning you into some kind of teasing or a man-eater, but rather about seducing women.

If you want a certain woman, you do not know if you are desired by her, and you will not put pressure on her to come to terms with the fact that And that's despite the fact that you might like her, that you're OK with her. If you meet a woman and you find that she likes you, don't attach any particular result. If you like a girl but you don't want confirmation from that person, then you don't really like her, and that's fine.

The most important thing is to be a man who is invested and carries a sense of pride, and How you feel is how others perceive you. If you start clinging to results and have expectations of women during the dating phase, you run the risk of becoming needy and presumptuous. The key is to understand that there are beautiful women, but the key to becoming an attractive man for high-quality women is to be aware of who you are.

In the worst-case scenario, you bring absolutely nothing, probably reset it, and find yourself in a superficial, dysfunctional relationship. My hope is that this blog will give you a better understanding of how to attract women and understand the most important principles that women want from a man. The other reason I encourage men to pursue women with authenticity is that if you openly communicate your sexuality to women, you are forced to become a confident and integrated man. In the long run, this reduces your emotional need and shapes you into a courageous and confident man who draws women to him like a magnet.

If a woman is an honest, authentic and conscientious person who is herself, which leads to a much better relationship, then I would encourage a man to pursue her with honesty and authenticity. It takes a lot of time and effort to develop a personality with several attractive characteristics. Then you will learn the necessary social skills to help you have a successful relationship with a woman of your age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity.

Κυριακή 26 Απριλίου 2020

Awakening & Enlightenment Principles & Beliefs


From birth we accept any number of labels for what we consider to be real, and since these labels are indeed transient, they cannot be our ultimate selves. First, we need to learn exactly what spiritual enlightenment or awakening is. As mentioned in the media, enlightenment is the discovery of the true, eternal self, while awakening manifests as the realization of one's true self as a spiritual experience. We pay attention to the wake-up call - a wake-up call that we wake up to realize that everything comes from eternal existence - and we will return to ourselves. We recognize who we really are, we are infinite, and we can live in the here and now. As soon as we realize this, all our problems will resolve immediately and everything will return to an optimal state. Be aware that a spiritual awakening is imminent in your life, and you are ready to embark on an amazing inner journey of self-discovery.

The Joy to Be Pure

You're a child with The Awakening - like curiosity and the desire to discover - provides you with everything you need to know about yourself and the world around you. The complete concept  of spiritual enlightenment is the ability to understand life and the world around you. However, it is a sudden experience that makes the definition difficult, as the experience varies from person to person. According to the perception of the average person, there are three stages of spiritual awakening, each of which corresponds to your ideas of yourself. In this section we will explore the inner changes and signs of spiritual awakening that contribute to becoming a completely different person.

When a person has a deeper understanding of their environment and reality, they feel comfortable and calm. In sudden spiritual awakening experiences, this shift is so sudden that many people can fathom the exact instant it takes place.

Usually with programs like The Awakener II can cast a light upon you so you discover yourself and free from the shackles of this matrix.

                                                                            The Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening is such a soul-changing experience that words simply can hardly identify. However, let me try to do justice to what spiritual awakening and enlightenment really mean to us. Spiritual awakening or enlightenment comes in many different forms, including physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and even psionic (Cosmic Master Term). Experiencing the process of  enlightenment or spiritual awakening is unique to each person, although many of the characteristics seem to be common, such as being in the "process" of awakening. Every approach to enlightenment suggests that one is awake, but each of us is as individual as we are. If you really want it, you have to be awake for a while to really experience it like giving a shot, Cosmic Master programs that can change your destiny and attract that dream TV Set, a dream car, a house... you know the drill.

    It's perfectly feasible but you have to abandon your inferior self and start living a life brimming with wonders.

Primarily, man/woman awakens to the knowledge that there is more going on here on planet Earth than the eye realizes when God's spark begins to burn brighter. Spiritual awakening is when we  stop living in auto mode (sometimes this is the event that leads to it, but sometimes it is the result of an event like a spiritual awakening), and we generally begin to make the transition to a life with meaning and purpose. The awakening to the fact that we are far more conscious in our lives than we first believed is our first indication of the beginning of the spiritual  awakening. We wake up because our mind is suddenly open, and there is more in life than what we have been told.

The ego, negativity and unbalanced patterns are nullified and fully embedded in the "socket" of our willpower and control. Enlightenment is when we can get rid of our karmic attributes and make decisions based on the present moment without an inch of fear or bias from the past affecting our decisions. The karma and the things that we still need to heal do not disappear immediately the moment we awaken.

                                                             HOW ENLIGHTENMENT FEELS LIKE

The Cosmic Master describes spiritual enlightenment through euphoria and deep levels of trance - his disciples concur. For Buddhists, it also means the awakening of our inner self from the state of self-deception, qualms, guilt, fear of failure.

Spiritual Awakening and Spiritual Enlightenment are sometimes used to describe the same thing, but they are often abused in different ways, sometimes with different meanings. Hara Awareness, on the other hand, refers to a consciousness that arises from the realization that the source of all life lies just below the navel. In other words, we can not only be aware of  these spiritual forces, but also feel connected to them, and this sense of connectedness can strengthen our senses of unity.

The realization that spiritual force permeates the entire universe and forms the essence of all beings is one of the most important signs of spiritual awakening and can occur in the highest intensity of vigilance. With another symptom of spiritual awakening, a person may feel they are in a state of being where they are all these things at the same time. There is also the fact that spiritual enlightenment and spiritual awakening are so different that they are inherently difficult to define. Partly this is because we use them to describe so many things, the way we have described the love of God, the love of our family and friends, etc., as well as our feelings of compassion, compassion for others, and our desire for love.

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Σάββατο 18 Απριλίου 2020

Attract Women Audio Subliminal NLP

The Vortex of Success is a great resource to learn more about women's audio and audio systems - verbal NLP in general and women in particular for women. But I prefer Psionic Alpha, the hypnosis program to attract gorgeous ladies and charm them until they mellow.

Here are other audios I've tried and had some success but none of this compares to Psionic Alpha, a Cosmic Master creation/ Off we go with the rest of "women getting audios" that mighty interest you. Also don't forget to follow this blog for updates on seduction, mesmerism, NLP, hypnotism and the whole enchilada.

Subliminal Blaster is an NLP software that displays the text of a subliminal message on your computer screen as you normally use it in your activities. The program contains 370 messages that can be used immediately, and the messages are updated whenever Positive Subliminal welcomes you to find out. There are a number of subliminal mp3s that can reprogram your subconscious mind, such as the mp4 "Somewhere in the Universe" and the mp3 "The Power of Love."
You can download a zip from Subliminal Recordings for each sound, or you can release the album as a single with the newly released hot new jams.

Subliminal meditation and positive thinking lead you to healthy patterns that serve you perfectly in fulfilling your goals, dreams and desires. There is no shortage of mindfulness and meditation apps to help you combat anxiety, sharpen your focus, sleep better and use more of your natural skills such as meditation, yoga or yoga meditation.
A variety of subliminal printer options are available, whether in the form of audio, video, audio-to-text or even a digital version of the app.

Enjoy mindful meditation and hypnosis on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch and control your subconscious mind. Choose to imagine and listen to affirmative subliminal commands that fit your specific needs day after day. IQs boost and enhance your self-esteem - esteem, mental and physical health, emotional well-being - and even your sense of self.
Slip on your headphones and control your subconscious mind and increase your IQs with a subliminal audio program for your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Just download "Get Photographic Memory" and listen to how you can memorize everything in photographic detail. Get "Photographic Memory" sublinear sessions and download it for free. As always, make sure that you buy your sub-audio programs from a reputable company.

Available on Bandcamp, Subliminal Magic has released a new sublinear audio program for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Get sublinear "Get Photographic Memory" sessions and download it for free and save 35%.
Disney has long been suspected of hiding subliminal sexual messages in its animated films. Disney's Wonderful World has long been suspected by some of the world's most influential and influential women's rights activists of hiding subliminal and sexual messages in their animated films.

Listen to the subliminal messages in a pleasant atmosphere and relaxed state of m
ind and reach your dreams of life automatically and effortlessly. Self-help NLP with self-esteem, self-confidence, self-confidence and the ability to help yourself.

This self-help freeware application is designed to flash subliminal messages and allows you to be actively involved in who you want to be. Listen to the recordings of the Weight Loss Subliminal Message, which are designed to automatically create the attitudes and behaviors that make you thin and healthy. Self - Help NLP with the ability to help yourself and change your behavior is to evaluate yourself. Online Video conve online video consulting with a free, easy to use, free and easy to use video conferencing application.

This free, easy-to-use, free and easy-to-use video conferencing application for women with the ability to help themselves.
Subliminal mp3 is a relaxing music that contains hidden subliminals (suggestions, messages, affirmations) that train the mind towards certain goals. You can improve your life by simply creating an MP3 audio with a few mouse clicks or a single mouse click.

The program creates ingredients from a list of ingredients, such as the name of the subliminal music, the song title and the title of your sublinal audio.

Basically, one eliminates all restrictive beliefs that one has regarding one's ability to date beautiful women and replaces them with beliefs shared by men who naturally trust women. This is the most basic way to do this naturally, and it is simple subliminal audio. It sends positive information to your mind to change thought patterns that you may not be able to change by conscious development alone.

The subliminal program Brainwave superimposes the "subliminal messages" of the binaural clock frequencies with substrates of messages from the brainwaves of a woman. Start today with one of our leading sources of women audio sublime audio NLP free today!

In addition to subliminal lightning, a great way to use subliminal messages throughout the day is to play an mp3 file with subliminal meditations in the background. Subliminals in MP3s can be personalized in many ways, from personalization for your personal pleasure to improving your life, marriage and long-term relationships. In addition, subiminal messages can also improve your sex life by connecting you to your partner and preventing him from cheating on you.

Παρασκευή 17 Απριλίου 2020

How to Trigger an Awakening & Miracles in Your Life - Full Report

My personal testimonial goes for the Cosmic Master Hypnosis which virtually paved the path for me to enlightenment, especially The Awakener II program which implanted in me a new radical way of thinking. If you're looking for enlightenment, look no further than this program. I witnessed MIRACLES with the Awakener II.

Surely we all agree that it is of great personal benefit to encourage people to seek more and more change within themselves. A focus that distorts the tangible for us as well as the tangible shifts as people seek change within themselves, and we all know that.

To regard enlightenment as a gloriously errant odyssey is to make the journey more difficult than it needs to be. The search for an enlightened consciousness is an intense personal walk and is called "alignment of the living," as it is called by those who live intentionally and align with it. Spiritual awakening and enlightening consciousness are an ever-widening spiral and not a one-way street.

Remember that your journey to consciousness will be different from that of your fellow seekers who want to live consciously. You are connected to your newly discovered deep self, and you are connected to the deeper self of the universe.

In addition to this free download, forget the instruction manual, which explains how it all works and how to get the most out of your listening experience. The 528 sounds were known to the ancients as healing frequencies, and related resources include surfing the Himalayas, snowboarding in nirvana, yoga, meditation, and much more.
The Sixth Sense of the Universe is one of my favorite books, but largely forgotten and should be treated in its entirety. In honor of Nikola Tesla, pay attention to him, he was one of the last universal geniuses and is the subject of a new book of the same name, which is also available as a free download.

Learn to develop the sixth sense of the universe, where you can communicate with the subtle world to get a better understanding of yourself, your surroundings and the world around you. The ability to see and feel invisible and subtle energies is called clairvoyance. Psychic vision or the third eye, the natural and intuitive ability that people possess, is known as psychic vision or third eye.

Indian yogis and various other people have been making this great claim for ages, but perhaps the Kundalini activation is one of the most important steps in the process of awakening the sixth sense and the ability to psychic vision and clairvoyance.

The fact is that Kundalini Shakti is rising in all of us, not only in the human body, but also in our heads, hearts and minds.
So enlightened consciousness is a phrase that can be interpreted as understanding and consciousness. Learn the right way to help your lower energies naturally ascend to the higher levels of consciousness.
Since the journey inward and the resulting expansion of consciousness is inherently individualized, let us examine some similarities, sights, and rewards. Since spiritual awakening is a very rich and complicated experience and difficult to define, the definitions vary. What unites us spiritually is that we are all one spark in an infinite universe, shaped by our experiences.

The karma of Orion or Star Seed can influence what we create in the physical realm, be it the creation of abundance, the construction of physical objects, or the realization of our intentions. If your bad karma is really high, you will choose a life in which you will be crippled, tortured to death, or even sacrificed as a baby Satanist, and your sense of belonging stems from continuing to align with the purpose of your soul. Orion, star seeds, karma and the ability to create abundance and build and bring abundance can all be influenced by your karma.

Reiki (pronounced "Ray - Key") is a kind of divine, pure, positive energy that originates in the Supreme Consciousness and is able to heal anything and everything that comes to mind. Reiki is the only miraculous gift of God that has been successfully tapped into and practiced because of his spiritual background and that is known to have been given to us by the medical world with exciting, amazing and phenomenal results. A Reiki master passes it on through a simple attunement, also called initiation, to a new student, where the energy centre opens and thus establishes a connection between the attuned person and the person who is "attuned" to it.

The sacred space or the sacred chamber often contains a highly developed soul, which carries within it an abundance of wisdom and special faculties, which hibernate within itself, which develops to a high degree. In the spiritual community, this is known as accelerated DNA and the ability to support the evolving karma. Increased psychic sensitivity, increased intuitive awareness, and the ability of the ordinary person to transform himself into a healing source.

This is called karmic superimposition, and the starseeds, so labeled, become almost like working bees. As the landscape changes and old contracts expire, we recognize that our purpose is to change, change, and evolve. So it is when you say, "The Star Seed Oracle is finally here" or "I am here.
Check out this highly recommended program to experience an Awakening.

#awakening #miracles